A Beatiful Daughter of the Most High God!

This lovely face is one I’ve had the joy of photographing through many years!

It’s without doubt, every time I photograph Katjriana, I am actually capturing a heart that is on a journey of becoming the woman of God she is destined to be.

This journey is not an easy one for us women … especially when the world wants to set the standard for us and try to define what beauty, character and values should look like.

But God’s definition looks completely different. As we begin to understand who we are as daughters of the Most High God, then true peace, joy and freedom become ours.

We can walk with our heads held high and know with all confidence that our value is not defined by this world, but defined by a love so great that a Father would sacrifice His only Son in order for us to walk in freedom and spend eternity with Him in heaven.

I am so grateful that as I try to battle the definition of what the world calls “beauty”, I can rest assured, knowing that my identity is hidden in Christ.

Katjriana… it is such an honor and a privilege to walk this journey with you as we discover who we are in Christ.. beautiful daughters of the Most High God!

OK, a little side note… as the natural beauty that Katjriana is… doesn’t she remind you of Cheryl Tiegs? {for those of us who remember who she is!}


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