Think four:eight {day 11}

Meet Don & Terri Triplett. They are currently the appointed Assembly of God missionaries to El Salvador and Nicaragua. My son Parker and I had the privilige to go to San Salvador a few years back to work with them at King’s Castle Ministries. It was a humbling experience watching Don & Terri working hand-in-hand with the local church, pouring out their lives to help feed, clothe and share Christ’s love with those who have nothing… not even hope.

Don & Terri were here in Arizona not too long ago for the birth of their new granddaughter. We were so excited to be able to visit with them and hear about all the amazing things God is doing in South America. Of course, I was also thrilled at the opportunity to take pictures of their newest grandbaby!

Don & Terri’s passion for God and love for others is nothing but contagious! When you are around them, you can’t help but feel encouraged and uplifted. So when I think upon Philippians 4:8, I can’t help but think of Don & Terri and am so honored and grateful to know them!

“Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable – if anything is excellent or praiseworthy – think about such things.” Philippians 4:8

{If you are new to my blog, click here to read the story behind My Personal Challenge: think four:eight.}


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