I thought I’d post another update from our “nest” series! Yesterday, I saw both parents for the very first time. I was so thrilled to discover there was another caretaker. Up to this point, I couldn’t distinguish if the single bird I saw guarding the nest was the same bird or not.
I think the momma bird is the fluffier one sitting on the nest. (I am choosing to be kind to her and not say “bigger”!)
Today, I became a little anxious for our new fledglings. I didn’t see either parent visit the nest all day. Up to this point, neither parent has left the nest for any length of time. I was concerned something happened… a cat, a car, or maybe just the inexperience of being first time parents. Of course, by early evening, I was already searching the web, gathering information as to what can happen if fledgling Mourning Doves are abandoned. All the while, I was praying that one of the parents would return.
When Neil returned from work, I had to fill him in on our dove dilemma and all the information I had gathered regarding abandoned fledglings. I’m sure he was already jumping ahead to the part where I say, “Do yo think we should…?”!
As I headed to the kitchen to start dinner, I took one more look out our front door and to my absolute delight, the momma dove was nestled snugly in the nest alongside her sweet little fledglings!
I felt such a relief knowing these little birds were going to be taken care of, at least for one more night. But in the midst of this assurance, I couldn’t help but think about my friend Coleen and her daughter, Karly, who are in Guatemala as I write this. They are spending this week visiting orphanges, loving on little ones who have been abandoned.
In Matthew 10:29-31, Jesus states, “Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground apart from the will of your Father. And even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. So don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.”
This truth brings such encouragement to my soul… if God has his eye on the sparrow, noticing each one that falls to the ground, how much greater is His love and care for us?
“Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable – if anything is excellent or praiseworthy – think about such things.” Philippians 4:8
{If you are new to my blog, click here to read the story behind My Personal Challenge: think four:eight.}
I can relate to your story of your nesting doves, of the excitement and of your concern. When my husband and I purchased our home in 2008, we discovered a nest on one of the posts in the corner of our back patio. We came to realize it was “home” to Mr. & Mrs. Dove. We enjoyed watching the story unfold in that nest. Mama was faithful and protective of her 2 babies. We watched dad sitting on our fall many a time, just keeping an eye at a short distance & sometimes they were in the nest together. As the babies grew, we knew that eventually their time out back was coming to an end. They would learn to be self-sufficient and it eventually happened. One day, the nest was empty. We looked each day, only to realize after a week or so they were finished with that process. They accomplished their goal of giving life, of nurturing and training their babies to be self-sufficient. We left the nest up there for the next year, hoping the mama and daddy would return the following year to raise another family; they never did. What a joy and privilege it was to experience springtime with these doves.
Jennifer, thank you for sharing your thoughts and experiences. I’m enjoying the process of slowing down at times to spend time reading and seeing things that sometimes we fail to enjoy! Thank you.
Thank you Susan for sharing your own story of nesting doves! It is truly amazing to see how God created animals and birds to instinctively know what to do and how to do it! Last week, the two baby birds left the nest on the same day! I was hoping they would return for short visits before they left for good. Although I haven’t seen the fledglings come back, within two days after they left, some new twigs and leaves were added to the nest and it is now being occupied again! Not sure if it’s the same “couple” or we have brand new neighbors!