Desert Maternity Session
Arizona Portrait Photographer

The Meixner family’s desert maternity session was such a joy to photograph! Not only did I get to take photos of this gorgeous mom-to-be and her handsome husband, but their three older children couldn’t have been more delightful to work with as well!

I’ve known Andria and Peter for a little over 10 years and had the privilege of photographing their oldest son’s newborn session who is now 10 1/2! A lot has happened since then and I’d love to share a little about this sweet family!

Peter is a software engineer who has the blessing of working from home. He loves to go shooting, traveling, riding bikes as a family and being a robotics coach. Andria homeschools their three children, loves singing in worship and playing the piano. She is also a professional photographer but unlike me, loves to cook!

Their oldest child, Logan, loves robotics. This last fall, his team made it to Vex Worlds in Kentucky! He also plays the piano and likes to code websites. He’s great at telling jokes… which I got to be the recipient of during our photo session! Ethan is almost 9 and has joined his big brother’s robotics team. He started piano this year and loves to play outside. He is a huge help at home. Little sister, Isabel, is almost 6 and is excited to become a big sister! She is sweet and empathetic, loves animals and can also keep up with her two older brothers. She also loves to sing like her mom!

As for now, the baby’s name is Sweet Pea as they have decided to wait and find out the gender! Andria is due the middle of October so we have to wait a little longer to meet either Ryder or Olivia! (Although Isabel insists God told her she’s getting a little sister!)

The end of the session came with a bonus when Logan pulled his loose tooth out, which his mom insisted he keep in until after the session! The kids also found some of the fun rocks which have been placed throughout the grounds. Each rock came with directions to take a photograph with the rock and hide it somewhere else in Gilbert to let others discover these little treasures.

Congratulations, Peter & Andria on the upcoming birth of your precious little “Sweet Pea”! Thank you for allowing me the privilege to capture such a treasured piece of your family’s lives!


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