
Hi, I’m Jennifer.

I’m a portrait photographer located in the East Valley/Flagstaff area. Let me tell you a little about my story…

At the age of 7, as a result of a house fire, my family lost everything. Our albums and
every picture on the wall was gone forever. Since then I have wanted to preserve a piece
of every moment, every memory.

I believe God has given me the gift of photography.
It’s more than a hobby or a source of income.
It’s a call to capture the moments of life.

It’s a personal goal of mine to be a lifelong learner in the art of photography. This includes an active involvement in the professional photography community. I value my membership in the Professional Photographer’s Association and the National Association of Photoshop Professionals. I’m honored to be published in The BetterPhoto Guide to Photographing Children by Jim Moitke.

I know this journey and the gift I have been entrusted with is form me to share. I welcome the opportunity to capture your moments-your memories- and to enable you to fill your home with art that will tell your story.

Thank you for visiting my site!



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I've been married to my high school sweetheart for 40 years. At 17, he took me flying in a small fixed wing airplane. That was our first date and to this day, he continues to sweep me off my feet! We have four amazing kids, as well as a wonderful son and daughter in laws! Our eight grandchildren fill our hearts with pure joy! Our crazy Giant Schnauzer/Standard Schnauzer rescue rounds out the pack!


Let me tell you a little about my story as a photographer...


I've always been fascinated and intrigued by photography. I think losing all of our pictures in our house fire when I was little had such a huge impact on me and played a big part in my interest in photography. In high school, I wanted to take a photography class but the cost of a camera and film wasn't in the budget. After graduating from college and getting married, I taught elementary school for several years. When we made the decision for me to stay home full time, I decided to pursue my interest in photography. I checked out books from the library and poured over all the techy and creative information they had to offer. At that time, the first "consumer" digital camera out was a whopping 2 MP! And it cost a fortune! My husband had purchased a Canon film camera for me a few years prior so I practiced with that until I finally got a digital camera. I was hooked! It's as if the Lord had opened my eyes to a part of me I didn't know existed and in a way, I found my voice.


That was almost 20 years ago and my fascination and love for photography has only grown stronger. Although I love so many types of photography, by far, my favorite will always be photographing people and their stories. Every person and every family is so unique, it is such a privilege to capture the richness of their lives!


Blessings & Joy!



My husband, kids and grandkids

Other favorites:

family | travel | photography | SF Giants

peanut butter | cold weather | animals of every kind

cozy things | baking bread | movies

acts of kindness | the color pink | worship music

techy stuff | helicopters | going shooting





I have been so blessed to visit so many beautiful places. To see the fullness of God's glorious creation is such a privilage and a gift!

I'd have to say one of the most meaningful trips I have taken thus far was my first "all heli trip" in our R66 helicopter with my husband, Neil. After all of these years working in the aviation industry, we finally got to check off a huge bucket list item! Our two week iternary: Chandler > Lake Tahoe > Oregon > Washington > San Fancisco > Chandler. It was absolutely spectacluar seeing such beautiful terrain from a "bird's eye view"!

Some other favorites:

Scotland | Ireland | New Zealand | Alaska | South Africa | China

Australia | New Zealand | Pacific Northwest | Kona | Jackson Hole, WY