Think four:eight {day 27}

Parker Lee Jones.

From the moment he came into our lives, we could sense that his life would always be involved with people. Even as a baby, his charismatic personality seemed to magnetically draw people in around him. His tender heart and keen awareness of how others were feeling, seemed to always move him to reach out with compassion to those around him.

I should have realized there was something different about our little boy when he got his first cd player at age 7. We asked him what cd he wanted and he immediately requested Frank Sinatra! I was shocked. Don’t get me wrong, I love music from that era but we just didn’t play it around our house. It wasn’t long before Parker had every song memorized. Not only was he able to recite every word, he would include every move, every gesture and every inflection as he performed for us on “stage”, (i.e. our raised wood entryway)!

Through the years, Parker discovered many avenues in which he was able to express himself. One of them being art. While he was in school, he was exposed to a variety of different art classes in which he flourished. He loved experimenting with all the different mediums. However, because he was color blind, he quickly discovered that watercolor and pastels were not amongst his favorites. Although I do have to say that he has produced some very unique and “colorful” pieces of art!

Parker’s passion for creating found another means of expression… music. It doesn’t matter if he’s playing his guitar or bass, singing or writing… he can get completely lost in the creative process. It has been so fun watching his passion for music join up with his two friends, Nick and Spencer. Over the past couple years, their band, The Broken Rhodes, has worked hard to discover their own sound. While writing all their own music and lyrics, I think they’re discovering more than just their sound, but a part of themselves as well. {If you would like, check out their music on iTunes here!}

I am so proud of the young man Parker is becoming. I love the fact that he recognizes where his creativity comes from… His Creator. As he enters his sophomore year of college, I am filled with anticipation to see what God has in store for him!

“Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable – if anything is excellent or praiseworthy – think about such things.” Philippians 4:8

{If you are new to my blog, click here to read the story behind My Personal Challenge: think four:eight.}


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