Think four:eight {day 9}

This is Buster. He is our 10 year old Standard Schnauzer. He loves food and furry, squeaky toys. Oh, and us!

This is Maggie. We adopted her from a shelter 7 years ago. My husband says she hit the jackpot the day we found her.

{I say we did!}

Anyone who is around me for long, will quickly discover that I am a huge animal lover. It doesn’t matter if it has fur, feathers, or scales… as long as it isn’t poisonous, I’m in!

I think my passion for animals developed when I was 5 years old while attending a kindergarten class in Tucson, AZ. The school had a program where you could sign up to take home and care for animals over the weekend. Well, you can only imagine how many times I volunteered our home. To my mom’s dismay, this generous act of kindness was usually done without notifying her first! I had the joy of bringing home a lovely variety of animals such as bunnies, chicks, birds, fish, guinea pigs, hamsters, chinchillas, frogs and everyone’s favorite…. snakes. (All right, definitely not my mom’s favorite!)

My mom often shares the story of picking me up on a Friday afternoon and to her horror, discovered I had volunteered to bring home a snake. Obviously, she was not very happy and told me under NO circumstances was the cage door to be opened, especially while driving home. She said it wasn’t long before she could hear the quiet squeaking of metal from the back seat and would yell out at me to immediately close the door!

Thank you Lord, for your wonderful creation! Thanks Mom, for being so selfless and allowing me to fill my heart and our home with animals!

“Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable – if anything is excellent or praiseworthy – think about such things.” Philippians 4:8

{If you are new to my blog, click here to read the story behind My Personal Challenge: think four:eight.}


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